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Chinese Keris

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Chinese Keris

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This Chinese Petok Keris is a keris with spiritual knowledge from Grandmother Mangun Kusuma.Grandmother Mangun Kusuma is one of the Javanese community leaders who is well known for his supernatural powers and has given a legacy in the form of sacred and spiritual objects.Some of the benefits of this Chinese Petok Keris include:

To fulfill our desires and goals,

Make it easy for all of our affairs, whether it’s career, mate or fortune

It can also be used for media strengthening positions or positions

Launch a trade or business

Awaken the power within us so that we can maximize the potential that exists within us

Goib’s Fence

Helping/helping others

Media for healing

Launching a narrow business and fortune, very suitable for those who have a business but are less advanced in their business

Position booster and position for those who have worked for a long time but are less fortunate in the work environment

Eliminate bad luck and heat or bad aura that makes you always unlucky and a lot of problems

For economic luck and success

The power of luck is able to accumulate wealth and make the wearer avoid unclear and wasteful expenses

Selling and advancing any business that is important is halal

Realancientmagic is one of the largest online spiritual shops in Indonesia and has a reputation for high performance and royalties to clit of progress. Amen. After the package arrives, you can contact me directly, I will give you instructions and how to take good care of it like you treat your pets with love so they can unite


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