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Kris Kantar Luk 13


Kris Kantar Luk 13




In the ideology of the Singosari kingdom is the unity that has a fighter’s soul that always symbolizes unlimited power. with the thought of a knight. In the era of Singosari Kingdom, it had a hard and brave character.
This kris is a formidable keris in the era of the kingdom of Singosari. It has Luk 13 with the prestige of Wos Wutah, which signifies revelation. Keris Kantar has an age of 595 years which has benefits as self-protection, launching fortune and overlapping the keris. He is quite rare, maybe before this keris was only made through reservations. In Javanese kantara language is pengageng which means this kris is a kris that is able to protect other krises.

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Weight 500 g


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