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Mount Kawi Ring Stone


Mount Kawi Ring Stone




Gunung Kawi, located in Malang, East Java, is said to be famous for matters relating to wealth and rituals that are often held there. Many do so because they seek unlimited wealth and last forever.
there is a sacred tree in the Gunung Kawi area
Located in the burial area, its name is Dawandaru tree. The Dawandaru tree (the lucky tree) is also called the shian-to or tree of deity by the Chinese people. Pilgrims often wait for fallen branches, fruit or leaves. He said if saved, it could add wealth to the person. But as the name suggests, it takes patience for months to wait for some trees to fall. I once got mustaw from a real stone.
Many ritual activities are carried out during Legi Friday, because that day is known as the funeral day of Eyang Jugo (Kyai Zakaria II). Even though the 12th month of Suro is the day commemorating the death of Grandmother Sujo (Raden Mas Iman Sudjono). According to the story, when doing rituals in the tomb building, negative thoughts are not allowed. And it is recommended before starting to cleanse the body by bathing shampoo first. and this is the area where I get this magic stone. Who has the blessings to smoothen your registration for the better.

Additional information

Weight 250 g


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