stealth tiger khodam
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On the island of Java, there are many forests that are protected and there are also some forbidden forests that traditional elders are not allowed to enter, because these forests are believed to be the residences of evil spirits and demons. Many entered without permission and eventually disappeared and did not return. only traditional elders who have supernatural powers are able to guide you safely. the benefits of having a stealth tiger are:
Has a perewangan khodam in the form of a white tiger.
Ability to summon khodam reinforcements.
Obtains an aura of magical protection.
Multipurpose supernatural powers.
Cleanse all negative energy / negative energy within.
Has magical power protection.
Radiant aura of authority and powerful charisma.
Able to subdue the enemy / opponent with the white tiger khodam.
Paralyze the enemy khodam with the magical aura of the white tiger khodam.
Sharpen instincts or inner sensitivity.
Respected and respected by all walks of life.
Forming a magical fence to ward off witchcraft and sorcery.
Make the enemy / opponent shrink his heart.
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